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Bibliographie articles scientifiques
Mellman, I, and R M Steinman. “Dendritic cells: specialized and regulated antigen processing machines.” Cell vol. 106,3 (2001): 255-8. doi:10.1016/s0092-8674(01)00449-4
Randolph, Gwendalyn J et al. “Dendritic-cell trafficking to lymph nodes through lymphatic vessels.” Nature reviews. Immunology vol. 5,8 (2005): 617-28. doi:10.1038/nri1670
Dinev, D et al. “Extracellular signal regulated kinase 5 (ERK5) is required for the differentiation of muscle cells.” EMBO reports vol. 2,9 (2001): 829-34. doi:10.1093/embo-reports/kve177
Nishimoto, Satoko, and Eisuke Nishida. “MAPK signalling: ERK5 versus ERK1/2.” EMBO reports vol. 7,8 (2006): 782-6. doi:10.1038/sj.embor.7400755
Yeo, Jia-Chi et al. “Klf2 is an essential factor that sustains ground state pluripotency.” Cell stem cell vol. 14,6 (2014): 864-72. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2014.04.015

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